An inclusive family-friendly community with authentic Zen practice for all.
A Soto Zen community with the Rinzai koan tradition.
Plan Your Visit
Wednesdays 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Beginner’s Class at 7:30pm
Sundays 11:00am - 1:00pm
Beginner’s Class at 10:00am
Beginners always welcome! The Buddhist Temple of Toledo is a Zen Buddhist Sangha that provides dharma training. Our Wednesday and Sunday weekly services are open to the public (and on Facebook and YouTube) and include sutras, Zen meditation, dharma talks, and interviews with transmitted teachers. Our guiding teachers are Abbott Jay Rinsen Weik Roshi and Rev. Karen Do’on Weik Sensei.
Follow our Facebook Page for updates and see our Stay Home When Sick guidance to help plan your visit.
Hundreds of Recorded Talks
Our teachers, Jay Rinsen Weik and Karen Do’on Weik, have recorded hundreds of podcasts that can be accessed anytime.
Dive Into Practice
Ango is a time of deep engagement with our vow to fully Awaken for the sake of all beings. During this 90-day period of training, we will take great care with our home practice and participation in the life of the sangha.
“The BuddhaDharma empowers us to face what is arising in each moment, frees us from grasping at what is arising in each moment, and shows us how to truly care for what is arising in each moment.”
— Jay Rinsen Weik, Abbot
Our Mission
The Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo, under the guidance of its lineage-transmitted teachers, provides teachings, training and support in the disciplines, practices and devotions of Mahayana Buddhism as adapted to Western contemporary life. Through these efforts, we seek to creatively manifest equanimity, compassion and wisdom for the sake of all beings.
Statement of Inclusivity
As Mahayana Buddhists, we recognize that our own liberation is bound up with that of all other sentient beings. We welcome and affirm all who come here to seek the Way and celebrate our differences while harmonizing the one and the many. When we see expressions of bigotry, hatred, and oppression in our own minds and interpersonally, we vow to respond with wisdom and compassion in our thoughts, words, and actions to put an end to the suffering caused by them.
The Buddhist Temple of Toledo acknowledges that human suffering is a condition made worse by bias and prejudice toward people based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, income, class background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, body type, disability, and other marginalized identities. We commit to becoming a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist institution where Buddhist practice is made as accessible as possible.
We commit to embodying diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility throughout the Buddhist Temple of Toledo’s teachings, practice, organizational culture, policies, and operations as a manifestation of our vow to awaken together with all beings.
May we, together, alleviate the fear, hatred, selfishness and delusion in our world.
Contact Us
Have a question? Our Board of Directors would be happy to assist.
Buddhist Temple of Toledo
3902 Emmajean Rd.
Toledo, Ohio 43607
Phone: (567) 297-0108