• Members create opportunities for authentic Dharma practice for the Buddhist Temple of Toledo Sangha by making a financial commitment and deciding to honor the Sangha Covenant and Code of Ethics. Membership giving allows the Sangha to offer all of the programs in our training and practice mandala to everyone who wishes to learn how to live as a Bodhisattva. Your membership will make possible Temple services, intensive sesshin meditation retreats, podcasts, livestreams, and much more.

    Questions? Email us at: membership@buddhisttempleoftoledo.org

    • Participate in morning practice in person Tuesday - Saturday

    • Attend unlimited sesshin retreats

    • Join members only interactive in-person and virtual programming

    • Participate in a local or online Sangha Circle during Ango

    • Receive Jukai (the 16 Bodhisattva Precepts)

    • Form and participate in Affinity and Support Groups

    • Check-out books from the Temple Library

    • Discounted home altar and practice supplies from the Temple store

    All members all welcome to explore the above. Some programs require the Abbot’s approval to participate.

  • The Buddhist Temple of Toledo welcomes all people who feel a connection to the Teachers and Sangha to become members. The Temple offers special programs for Members who live too far away to visit the Temple.

    • All the benefits of local members, and

    • Practice along from anywhere with livestreamed Temple services and morning practice, and interactive workshops. Watch or listen to recordings asynchronously through the podcast, YouTube, or Facebook.

    • Participate in monthly group video call with Teachers or Senior Students

    • Connect with Teachers, Senior Students, and other Distance Members in a distance-members only Facebook Group

    • Participate in daylong Home Hermitage Retreats with the Sangha during Winter and Summer Practice Periods

    • Online Sangha Circles during Ango

    • Care packages for Ango

    • Tailored sesshin orientation program

    • Online and mail sewing support for Jukai initiates sewing rakusu

    Anyone member lives more than 1 hour travel time from the Temple will be automatically enrolled in the Distance Members program unless they ask not to be. If you live closer but have a special situation -- such as being homebound due to illness -- please let me know so we can discuss accommodations.

  • The membership levels for 2024 are based on the cost for one adult Sangha Member participating in the life of the Temple. It costs approximately $90/month per adult to make all of the programs and services available at the Temple.

    Level of Membership

    Benefactor Membership: $301+/month ($3,612+/year)

    Benefactors invest in the long-term growth and stability of the Buddhist Temple of Toledo. This level of dana increases access to the Temple’s unique training mandala, making the Buddhadharma accessible to all who seek it both now and in the future.

    Sustaining Membership: $91-300/month ($1,092 - 3,611/year)

    Sustaining members support the cost of training for other Sangha members, including their access to Jukai, Lam Rim, Shoken, and Seminary, sesshin retreats, Sunday meals, youth programming, workshops, and other events.

    Self Supporting Membership: $90/month ($1080 year)

    Self Supporting Members cover the basic cost of their own participation in Temple life.

    Contributing Membership: $16-89/month ($192 - 1,079/year)

    Contributing members donate at least $16/month and receive all the benefits of membership. This membership is made possible by Sustaining and Benefactor Members.

    Scholarship Membership: $1-15/month ($12-191/year)

    Scholarship Members pledge up to $15/month, are always welcome and appreciated, and receive all the benefits of membership. This membership is made possible by Sustaining and Benefactor Members. There is no requirement for proof of need or application for Scholarship Membership Status.


    All levels of giving receive all benefits of membership.

    For families or households, your family or household membership level is based on your pledge amount. When discerning your pledge amount, we ask that you keep in mind the actual cost per adult participant.

  • The Temple recommends automatic recurring monthly giving through our Donation page, which accepts all credit cards, debit cards. You will be able to set-up recurring payments from this page.

    If you are not able to use the Donation page, you can drop off your payment in person at the Donation Box or mail checks to:

    Buddhist Temple of Toledo
    3902 Emmajean Rd.
    Toledo, OH 43607

Temple Membership