Make a donation.
Your gift makes authentic Dharma training and bodhisattva practice freely available to all who seek it in-person and around the world.
“Realizing self and other as one, the inherent beauty of this very moment shines through all distress.”
When you make a donation to support your own practice and the practice of others, you take up the key Dharma practice of dana paramita, the perfection of generosity.
Gifts of any amount are welcome. Traditionally, Buddhists understand that there are 108 obstacles or hindrances to Awakening. If you are able without causing any harm for your household, you may wish to give $108 per month or year, $1 for removing each obstacle.
Recurring monthly donations are recommended for anyone who wishes to give ongoing support to the Temple.
If you are not able to use the Donate button above, please deliver in person or mail checks to:
Buddhist Temple of Toledo
3902 Emmajean Dr.
Toledo, OH 43607
The Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo is a charitable organization exempt from taxation under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the the Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo are tax deductible to the full extent of the law (EIN #320282612).