Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
Sick Policy for Visitors and Members - 1/19/2024
This policy applies to all official Temple events held in person, including off site events.
Stay home if you are sick or exposed
Follow the CDC Guidelines for Quarantine and Isolation if you are exposed to or test positive for COVID-19.
The Temple additionally asks that anyone who lives with a person who has COVID, and cannot effectively isolate from that household member, stays home from Temple until the household member is no longer contagious.
Stay home if you have been diagnosed with a respiratory illness (examples: Influenza, Flu, COVID, RSV, Cold) or have symptoms of a respiratory illness (examples: fever, cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat).
Wear a mask if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms that you believe are caused by allergies or another condition that’s not contagious.
Practice from Home When Sick
Rest when you need to rest. When needed, rest practice is just as much Dharma practice as sitting in the zendo.
Practice from home when you feel well enough. Public Temple Services, Morning Practice, and many other events are live streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
Masks are always welcome
You are welcome to a wear a mask as person protective equipment at the Temple. The Temple has surgical masks available on request.
Contact Tracing and Exposure Notifications
The Temple does not provide contract tracing or exposure notifications for COVID-19. When attending Temple events, please take the same precautions as you would for visiting any public space.
The Buddhist Temple of Toledo reopened for in-person gatherings at our Angola Road location in June 2021. Our policy recognizes that in-person gathering of Teachers and Students is central to delivering on our mission, and seeks to balance that need with public health, personal safety, and operational feasibility.
We use available guidance from the CDC, state and local public health organizations, and well-established medical evidence to determine whether and how to gather in-person. The policy is a living document that will change as the pandemic evolves and as we learn by doing.
Questions, comments?
Send them to our Board of Directors at info@budhisttempleoftoledo.org.