You applied to become a Member! Thank you!
Your pledge and your practice will create opportunities for authentic Dharma practice for everyone who seeks to alleviate suffering and bring wisdom and compassion to all beings.
This page describes how to pay your pledge and benefits of membership. Within 7-10 days, we’ll send you an official email documenting your pledge and repeating information from this page about how to pay. We’ll also send a personal welcome message with follow-up information just for you.
For you records, the Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo is a charitable organization exempt from taxation under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the the Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo are tax deductible to the full extent of the law (EIN #320282612).
Preferred! Pay with Credit Card, Debit Card, or ACH
The Temple recommends automatic recurring monthly giving. Use the Donate button below to set-up recurring payments.
For donations under $35 online processing fees are lower with credit/debit card. For donations over $35, online processing fees are lower with ACH.
Start a donation with the button below.
Include a Purpose to let us know this is for Membership Pledge Payment .
Rinsen Roshi and Do’on Sensei on the site of the Emmajean Temple before construction began.
Rinsen Roshi’s transmitting Teacher James Myoun Ford Roshi joins Rinsen Sennsei and Do’on Osho in greeting the sangha at the opening of Rinsen’s Inka Shomei acknowledgment in August 2019.
Pay by Check.
Make out your check to Zen Buddhist Temple of Toledo.
Add a note in the memo field on the check to let us know this is for the Membership.
Mail your check to:
Buddhist Temple of Toledo
3902 Emmajean Rd.
Toledo, OH 43607
Make the Temple Your Beneficiary for Corporate Rewards
You can also support the Sangha by setting the Temple as your beneficiary for Amazon Smile and Kroger Community Rewards.
James Myoun Ford Roshi and Rinsen Roshi embrace during Rinsen’s Inka Shomei acknowledgment in August 2019.
Benefits of Membership
Get Started with Members Only Programs
Fully participate in as many Temple Events as you wish, including Temple Services, Ango Workshops, and Daily Zazen -- see the the 2023 calendar of events. All programs are free of charge for Members.
Go Deeper with Sesshin - Zen Meditation Retreats
Attend unlimited sesshin retreats. Sesshin is the best place to connect with our Zen Teachers for personal spiritual direction. Contact Zuisei to get started.
Keep the Conversation Going in Our Private Online Community
Join the highly inactive private Buddhist Temple of Toledo Members only Facebook group.
Make Sangha Friends - Join a Sangha Cirlce
Get to know a small group of your fellow sangha members by participating in a local or online Sangha Circle during Ango.
Become a Public* Buddhist - Take the Precepts
Join our Jukai Class to engage with the moral and ethical teachings of our tradition by encountering the Sixteen Bodhisattva Precepts, sewing the buddha’s robe, and making a public commitment to precepts.
* The vow ceremony is public. How open you choose to be about your practice with friends, family, and coworkers remains entirely up to you during the process and after the ceremony. -
Bring Your Practice to Topics You Care the Most About
Participate in an Affinity or Support Group and create new ones. Sangha members have formed groups in areas as diverse as addiction recovery, divorce support, healthy living, board games, volunteering, and being active in the multi-faith community.
Read Up on Buddhist Practice and History
Learn more about the pratice, lineage, and history by reading books we recommend and checking materials out from our physical library, including children’s books. Come to the Temple to browse our collection.
Special Services for Members Who Live Outside the Toledo Area
Other than sesshin, all our Temple services and programs are streamed. Workshops are interactive for both in-person and remote participants. Distance Members are always welcome to visit in-person.
Members who live more than 1 hour from the Temple are welcome to participate in monthly Distance Members zoom calls and receive special care packages for Ango.
There is a special Distance Members Facebook Group.